These wise men were once great people who were considered “lovers of wisdom.” They questioned the world around them. Three philosophers who were well known back in the Golden Age were, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates encouraged Greeks to go farther, to question themselves and their mortal character. Plato was another great philosopher. He wrote a book called, “The Republic.” In the book he explained his vision for a perfectly governed city. Plato believed that all citizens should fall into different groups. Aristotle questioned the nature of the world and human thought, belief and knowledge. He also invented the scientific method.
-Chelsey Andeliz
These wise men were once great people who were considered “lovers of wisdom.” They questioned the world around them. Three philosophers who were well known back in the Golden Age were, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates encouraged Greeks to go farther, to question themselves and their mortal character. Plato was another great philosopher. He wrote a book called, “The Republic.” In the book he explained his vision for a perfectly governed city. Plato believed that all citizens should fall into different groups. Aristotle questioned the nature of the world and human thought, belief and knowledge. He also invented the scientific method.
-Chelsey Andeliz